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New Labour Laws Services in

Abu Dhabi

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Monday – Friday
10am – 10pm


+971 56 783 3266


Coastal Building
189 Al Nahda St – Al Qusais – Al Qusais 2 – Dubai


Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has recently implemented new labour laws that aim to enhance the rights and protections of workers. These laws provide a framework for fair and transparent employment practices, benefiting both employers and employees. In this guide, we will delve into the key aspects of the new labour laws services in Abu Dhabi, shedding light on their implications and benefits. Whether you are an employer seeking compliance or an employee seeking to understand your rights, this guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge to navigate the new labour laws landscape effectively.

New Labour Laws Services in Abu Dhabi

The new labour laws services in Abu Dhabi encompass a wide range of areas, including employment contracts, working hours, leaves, and wage protection. Let’s explore these services in detail:

1. Employment Contracts

Under the new labour laws, employers are required to provide written employment contracts to their employees. These contracts outline the terms and conditions of employment, including job responsibilities, working hours, compensation, and benefits. This provision ensures transparency and clarity, benefiting both parties involved. Employers must comply with the prescribed contract format and ensure that the contract is provided to employees in their preferred language.

2. Working Hours and Overtime

The new labour laws specify the maximum working hours for employees in Abu Dhabi. Generally, the standard working hours should not exceed 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week. However, certain industries or circumstances may have variations, and employers must ensure compliance with the prescribed limits. Additionally, the laws regulate overtime work, ensuring that employees are fairly compensated for any extra hours worked beyond the normal working hours.

3. Leaves and Vacations

Employees in Abu Dhabi now benefit from an improved leave structure. The new labour laws provide for annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave. Annual leave entitlement is calculated based on the employee’s length of service, granting them the opportunity to take a well-deserved break. Sick leave is granted to employees who require time off due to illness or injury, ensuring their well-being. Maternity and paternity leave provisions aim to support working parents during important life events.

Wage Protection

Wage protection is a significant aspect of the new labour laws services in Abu Dhabi. Employers are required to pay their employees on time, ensuring timely disbursement of salaries. This provision protects workers from delayed or withheld payments, providing financial security and stability. The laws also address wage disputes and establish mechanisms for resolution, safeguarding the rights of employees.

End-of-Service Benefits

The new labour laws include provisions for end-of-service benefits, which ensure that employees receive fair compensation upon the termination of their employment. The benefits are calculated based on the employee’s length of service and the nature of their contract. These benefits serve as a financial safety net for employees and contribute to their overall well-being.

Dispute Resolution

To ensure fairness and efficiency, the new labour laws establish dedicated mechanisms for dispute resolution. These mechanisms enable both employers and employees to address grievances and seek timely resolutions. The laws prioritize mediation and conciliation, encouraging parties to resolve disputes amicably. However, if necessary, the laws also provide for legal recourse through the competent labour authorities.

Advancement of Emiratization Goals

The emphasis on Emiratization in the new labour laws services in Ajman aligns with the UAE’s broader vision of increasing employment opportunities for its citizens. By encouraging businesses to hire more Emirati nationals, the legislation aims to bridge the gap between the private sector and local talent. This can lead to the development of a skilled Emirati workforce, reduced unemployment rates, and a stronger national economy.

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189 Al Nahda St – Al Qusais – Al Qusais 2 – Dubai

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